$1,111.00 USD

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Mentorship for Cosmic Remembrance

Four Week Journey into activating remembrances of potent incarnations to activate the key-codes of your unique blueprint. 

Weekly 1:1 journies to facilitate in deepening your connection to Mama Gaia, The Cosmos, and the Multi-Dimensional Self. 

We will dive into different incarnations, different key codes of your consciousness to remember deep-seeded gifts, clear lower timelines and integrate your unique embodiment of source on earth. 

These sessions are customized by spirit for you. each session we will open the space in prayer for spirit to communicate and co-create with us in navigating the uncharted waters of the self. 

Journey into the cosmic womb of remembrance and be held in unconditional love as you deepen the connection your eternal self. 

A little about your guide: 

Marissa is an intuitive healer and multi-dimensional guide and past-life regressionist.

Marissa is a conscious creatrix and cosmic channel here to bridge the earth plane into 5D+ reality & to birth the New Earth paradigm for all. Marissa is a safe space for starseeds to be empowered to follow their excitement and align with their passions, path and purpose.

Marissa is a Past Life Regressionist certified by the A.R.E. and is well equipped in guiding your consciousness safely out of body to receive messages from your oversoul and spirit that your soul is longing for.

As a cosmic bridge for New Earth, Marissa is dedicated to utilizing her divine gifts to activate the divine gifts in all.  Through practice, she has tuned her intuition and opened her channels to receive messages from the divine. She has the ability to channel the alchemy needed for one’s ascension.

What you'll get:

  • Four 1:1 Sessions with Marissa
  • Hypnotherapy / Past Life Regressions
  • Integration & Guidance to put your divine gifts in motion

[all purchases are final, each will receive recordings of our journies together for further exploration ]

What People Are Saying:

Thank you for a great session, you are incredible at what you do. You really helped me get past my conscious mind that I have such a hard time getting out of my way. You are a really beautiful soul and I am really grateful to be able to work with you. I highly recommend working with Marissa. Again thank you so much. 

Cosmic Voyager

I went into my first past life regression experience with no expectations and am completely mind blown. I felt so safe, supported and guided by Marissa’s dreamy voice that I was able to travel to different lifetimes I had never previously even close to imagined. This really opened my eyes tot see beyond what we think is possible and Brought so much exciting magick into my everyday life.

Cosmic Voyager

Thanks again for the session last week. It was a trip to travel together to the past lives of Atlantis. Your telepathic awareness opened such a beautiful portal for me to experience my intrinsic connection to the divine wisdom alive in the stored memories of my unconscious mind. You showed me where the door was, and you showed me how to access that truth. At last, I can open that wavering door whenever I feel called - a priceless gift. And for that, I am forever grateful. Thank you for anchoring the golden white light in a shared, sacred space so magically and for soothing any fears with the sweet sounding voice of your authentic presence. 

Cosmic Voyager