Past Life Regression + Reiki & Light Language

Seeking clarity and the activation of deeply ingrained gifts and memories to fully embrace your power in this lifetime? Past-life regression is a potent modality that employs hypnosis and astral projection techniques to safely guide one's consciousness beyond the confines of the body and this physical timeline, allowing access to messages and memories from one's oversoul.

During this process, Marissa skillfully guides the conscious mind to an elevated state, facilitating a deep remembrance. She enhances the guided session with reiki to soothe the nervous system and aid in multidimensional healing of the body, mind, and spirit.

Past-Life Regression serves as a guided out-of-body journey, enabling participants to shift their perspective from the singular "I am" to the embodiment of the higher heart and mind. Marissa's intention in these sessions is to connect you with the cosmic remembrance of a cosmic incarnation, from which your deep-seated gifts emanate.

Each session includes reiki, sound healing, and light language transmissions, designed to recalibrate and activate the mind, body, and spirit in alignment with your higher cosmic self.

Following each session, Marissa provides space for deep reflection to facilitate the integration of the messages, wisdom, and memories activated during the experience.

Sessions, conducted via Zoom, typically last approximately 90 minutes.

Marissa completed her Past Life Regression training through Edgar Cayce's program and is certified by the A.R.E.

Additionally, Marissa holds certifications in Shamanic Reiki I & II (Usui). Her classical music training adds a unique dimension to her work, allowing her to weave the wisdom of her education and spiritual knowing to activate multidimensional resonance and remembrance.


What you'll get:

  • 90 minute session
  • Zoom Replay
  • HD recording of our journey

all purchases are final

What People Are Saying:

Thanks again for the session last week. It was a trip to travel together to the past lives of Atlantis. Your telepathic awareness opened such a beautiful portal for me to experience my intrinsic connection to the divine wisdom alive in the stored memories of my unconscious mind. You showed me where the door was, and you showed me how to access that truth. At last, I can open that wavering door whenever I feel called - a priceless gift. And for that, I am forever grateful. Thank you for anchoring the golden white light in a shared, sacred space so magically and for soothing any fears with the sweet sounding voice of your authentic presence.  Thank you for a great session, you are incredible at what you do. You really helped me get past my conscious mind that I have such a hard time getting out of my way. You are a really beautiful soul and I am really grateful to be able to work with you. I highly recommend working with Marissa. Again thank you so much. 


I went into my first past life regression experience with no expectations and am completely mind blown. I felt so safe, supported and guided by Marissa’s dreamy voice that I was able to travel to different lifetimes I had never previously even close to imagined. This really opened my eyes tot see beyond what we think is possible and Brought so much exciting magick into my everyday life.


$222.00 USD