$44.00 USD

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The Alchemy of Sound


Greetings beautiful being, 

Are you ready to dive into the science and alchemy of sound and liberate your voice and song?

In this workshop, we will be going through different forms of understanding sound in the nature of the cosmos, laws of vibration, and how to truly understand and harness our frequency.

The intention of this workshop is to deepen our understanding of scientific theory to elevate our spiritual practices. 

We will cover cymatics, quantum mechanics & the law of vibration as well as the history and intertwining of sound and spirituality.

In our activation, we will be working through any energetic blockages around your voice and expression to liberate your soul's truest expression! 

Sound is one of the most potent tools we have available to us as alchemists. Working with sound assists in releasing any blockages or energetic debris within our body, mind, and spirit that may keep us dense and not at our highest alignment and in our most embodied truth. 

Utilizing the archetype of mermaid we will be diving into the deepest aspects of the self and sing sweet frequencies into the spaces that need liberation, light, and harmony. 

In this workshop, you will learn how to use your voice to equalize your frequency. To use sound to keep your being light and afloat upon the density of the earth plane. 

This activation and workshop is designed to be revisited as many times as desired. Every journey into the portal activates deeper seeded remembrance. 

During this activation, Marissa will channel a light code transmission and sound alchemy to assist with releasing any blockages within your throat chakra and expression and to assist in the unleashing of your voice and soul song!  

Marissa's background is in music and song. Her background as a singer/songwriter, studying classical music, she learned her own way with navigating her unique way of utilizing sound for healing. She learned how to open her channel, work through depression by liberating her voice and her true soul expression. She learned how to sing into the dissonance and density of her being to offer new space for growth. 

Get ready for a soul liberating activation! 

What you'll get:

  • Alchemy of Sound Workshop
  • Song of the Siren Activation - HD Audiovisual Journey.  Throat Chakra Clearing, Light Language Transmission 
  • [BONUS] Past-Life Regression to activate the Merbeing DNA within! 

[ All purchases are final ]


What People Are Saying of our Past Activations:

I just wanted to say thank you, for holding this space to share your/our light of remembrance with one another. This experience was so activating and every cell of my body felt it!!

Cosmic Voyager

Powerful, intense, amazing, abundant, lovely.

Cosmic Voyager

That was amazing. Thank you so much for holding the space and for being Marissa here on earth 🌍 I see you, you’re so eternal and expansive, and your frequency is so powerful and balanced

Cosmic Voyager

My experience was beautiful. It was filled with magickal moments of various emotions to help activate & remember my Sirian self. The frequency of each soul on the call all played a magickal part that I embraced with love!!

Cosmic Voyager

Ecstatic, amazing, moving, extremely magical, and fun!!

Cosmic Voyager

Wow. Wow. Wow. This entire activation / soul remembrance is flowing through my third eye into my heart chakra. I channeled a being that tried to contact me when I first awakened, but at the time didn’t know what was going on and became afraid and shut the contact down. Soul gifts started flowing back to me. These gifts I’m not even sure will make sense as I didn’t realize they were gifts. I see lights codes ?!? Since my awakening this started happening to me but I didn’t realize what these symbols were and it was mainly when I stared at a piece of paper or outside, or in direct sunlight. Also in dreams. I didn’t know what it was until this Sirius activation. I saw myself encoding objects like crystals and seashells on the sand making crystal-like grids. Really beautiful work you did here Marissa. Forever grateful for you! Thank you!

Cosmic Voyager