$111.00 USD

Activate Your Light Language

Light Language is a powerful modality for healing, empowerment and alchemy. 

When activated, one can use light language to amplify manifestation, prayer and healing. 

Light language is the language of the soul. 

Light Language transcends earthly linguistics that speaks through the mind and communicates directly through and to the Heart. 


Light Language has completely shifted my reality. When I desire a shift in energy; i drop into meditation and allow the source to move through me and shift my energy in the direction I desire. 

Light language assists in creating the bridge for your multi-dimensional magick to be seen, felt & heard in this physical Earthly Dimension. 


During this session, Marissa will connect to your higher-self. Help release any stories, and wounds around your throat chakra, and center of expression. 


In this space, Marissa will connect you to your higher self to strengthen the channel of communication. In this space, new forms of communication and actualization will be activated. 


Marissa will hold the space for you to speak as your higher self to communicate your soul’s truest frequency. 


During this session, you will activate your ability to speak and use frequencies to heal, manifest and shift reality. 


What you'll get:

  • (45 minute) 1:1 Session with Marissa
  • Recording of Session.