a 5 week activation course



I'm Ready!

Ready fully step into your personal power?


Within this container, you will be given the tools to: 

  • Embody the truth of who you are.
  • Learn how to clear & transmute energy.
  • Master your energetic sovereignty.
  • Step fully into your power and purpose.

Why Cosmic Power?

We are cosmic energy embodied - a perfect co-creation of source energy coursing through our body, mind and spirit. Ancient Yogis and Indigenous Shamans understood how to activate, cultivate and wield this power through understanding the energetic centers of the body, elements of Earth & our connection to the cosmos. Through this 5 week journey, you too will activate this ancient wisdom and cosmic power within. 

Are you ready to remember your power?

In this activation course, you will gain all the tools to master your energy and to wield source energy to create and manifest the life of your dreams.


Rise & Remember. 

I'm ready!



Modules of Teachings:


Emotional Alchemy

Mastering the Energetic Body

 A journey into understanding, activating, and aligning the chakras - the main energetic centers of the body. Through learning about the chakras, you will deepen the relationship between your emotional, physical and spiritual body. Through this journey we will cultivate the rainbow bridge between the self and the cosmos. 


Elemental Alchemy

Awakening the Alchemist 

We are the Earth in all of her wild expressions. Learn how to wield elemental energy and become an energetic alchemist. Master your adaptability to coexist in the flow state.  Read the elemental landscape of reality and apply this wisdom to alchemize your internal world and harmonize your energy to the external world. 




Planetary Alchemy 

Wielding Cosmic Energy

A journey into understanding the role of each planet on our emotional and spiritual experience. Both us and the cosmos are always in flux. Connect to cosmic energy to provide insight, clarity and direction in your human experience. Learn the role of each planet and their significance in your natal chart. Harness the power of retrogrades and other planetary transits for healing, manifestation, and transcendence. 



Marissa from Star.seeded. Marissa is a ceremonialist, mystic, teacher, intuitive healer and cosmic guide. As a certified Hypnotherapist, Past-Life Regressionist, she is well equipped in guiding the spiritual body safely toward source to receive insights, healing, and transcendental energy from the cosmos. A spiritual teacher for many years, she has woven different belief systems, scientific thought & ancient wisdom into her teachings. She is devoted to guiding the collective into the remembrance of our highest and fullest potential. 


"I found Marissa at a time when I first started my spiritual journey. Her videos, activations, and meditations sparked something within me and activated a deep resonance that propelled me into more embodiment and alignment to my higher self. My intuition told me that it was time to work with her, so I joined her course, "Cosmic Power". Those 5 weeks have been one of the most transformative experiences that has springboarded my spiritual journey, self belief, clarity of purpose, sisterhood connection, healing, expansion, and so much more! The energy and impact of Cosmic Power will always be with you, even after the course is over. Thank you Marissa!"

- Trish

"Marissa, I’ve never experienced anything like that before and the entire guidance was so visually clear I could paint it. I didn’t know something like that was possible so I have to seriously thank you again ❤️‍🔥"


"I feel like I have no words! The wisdom was immense, it was pure and easily digestible."


This container was a beautiful experience from beginning to end. I think several features contributed to the success of this container chief among these was the particular group of women brought together. I marveled as again and again each sister acted as a reflector poignantly highlighting through their own experience something relevant to mine and offering much needed medicine. There was a very real sense that each sister was meant to be there. I think the triune process of asking women who felt called to join, filtering applicants, and listening to Spirit's leading, resulted in bringing together a group of woman, a sister hood, capable of true magic. I found the material high value, highly supportive and thoughtfully designed. I liked that it required me to put in my own energy and intention, but was purposefully put together in a way which supported my journey. I also loved how the container was so intimately designed to work with the astrological events. 

- K



  • Ready to clear emotional blockages & traumas within the body.
  • Learn how to stay centered in an aligned state.
  • If you have the desire to understand the cosmic connection within and without
  • If you are ready to step into your highest power
  • Ready to learn how to alchemize your energy field
  • Ready to become a master in manifestation
  • Ready to activate the ancient wisdom within and apply it in your spiritual practices
  • Ready to quantum leap. 



This is my most accessible and transformative offering to date. These are the tools that are the pillars of my spiritual practice and I couldn't be more excited to share this alchemical magick with you all. 


I'm Ready!